How do we Define Impact?

Impact as a verb means “to have a strong effect on someone or something”. While we aim to have an impact on venture investing, we more importantly aim to introduce impact on the Planet and the People.

Our impact tree has 2 large stakeholders – People and Planet. To save the Planet, we set biodiversity and climate change as top goals. For People, our objectives include human rights and diversity & inclusion. Whether as direct impact-driven companies, or just regular venture companies measuring their daily operations footprint, we believe every company should have impact goals. 

Patagonia stands as an exemplary enterprise that seamlessly combines both regular business practices and a remarkable commitment to making a positive impact. While operating within a sector that shares similarities with numerous other businesses, such as the processing of goods and clothing for outdoor activity, Patagonia distinguishes itself through its exceptional approach to governance, product development, and day-to-day operations. By prioritizing the needs of their customers and striving to minimize their ecological footprint, Patagonia sets itself apart and embodies a truly unique ethos within the industry.

Read More: Let My People Go Surfing: The Education of a Reluctant Businessman by Yvon Chouinard

This is why we have developed a comprehensive Venture Impact Scoring process and scorecard applicable to all venture-backed companies, regardless of their stage, whether early or late, and their revenue or IPO status. Our Venture Impact Scoring framework serves as a valuable tool for companies to align their impact objectives accurately – getting their impact compass right. Moreover, it enables investors to validate the impact of their investment portfolios effectively. For those new to the realm of impact, it serves as an educational resource by highlighting areas where immediate impact can be achieved, such as implementing strategies for continuous digital waste reduction and management within the company.

We have often been inquired about whether we prioritize Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) as our 3 primary impact goals. However, we firmly believe that governance should not be viewed as a standalone goal; rather, it serves as a fundamental pillar that must be established to benefit both People and Planet. Similarly, while technology holds immense potential as an enabler of change, it is not the sole solution for creating change in impact. That is why, in our questionnaire, we offer companies the opportunity to select one or multiple tools they employ to empower and implement their impact goals, these options include:

  1. Utilizing or Creating New Technology 
  2. Introducing Disruptive Products 
  3. Adopting Innovative Business Models (such as circular economy principles.) 
  4. Reassessing the Value of Natural Assets (such as recognizing the inherent worth of trees beyond just timber) 
  5. Exploring New Materials 
  6. Influencing Consumer Behavior (such as incentivising reduced consumption or investing in impactful initiatives) 
  7. Enhancing a Specific Segment of the Value Chain
  8. Upholding High Governance Practices and Standards

We are on route to proudly introduce and own the Global Venture Impact Scoring system and our proprietary Impact Methodology. By setting new benchmarks and standards, we’re ensuring that ventures not only thrive in business but also make a positive, measurable impact. Regardless of whether a company is inherently impact-driven, a venture business with a robust impact mission, or simply holds an intention to create impact, our impact scoring system serves to support, fund, empower, and educate.

Join us on this journey as we navigate the nascent stage of standardising reporting and measuring impact. We firmly believe that by accurately measuring and directing our focus towards the appropriate goals, and by equipping companies with capital that aligns with their values, we can create a compelling and digitized investment process. We have all the necessary elements in place to drive impactful change. We aim to cultivate a thriving ecosystem where impact-driven initiatives flourish, making a lasting and meaningful difference in the world.

Are you interested in contributing? 
We invite you to run your company through our Impact Questionnaire, review your Impact Score and Scorecard, and share your valuable insights with us. Together, let’s harness the power of impact and make a difference!
